Molds are microscopic fungi that can be found both outside and inside. They’re a part of our natural ecosystem and flourish in damp environments. Molds grow through the discharge of spores. When we inhale these spores, we are exposed to mold. This is usually not hazardous, but excessive amounts can elicit symptoms that are similar to those of a common cold. Some persons may get allergy or asthmatic symptoms as a result of exposure to mold.
If you’re someone who’s been exposed to mold and wants to know how long it actually takes to develop symptoms or even get sick, this article is for you. There are a number of factors and issues that arise when you get mixed up in such exposure. You get panicked and don’t get to decide what course of action you actually need to rely on and for this, we’re here for you. The information below will let you know everything about mold exposure and what you can expect from it. So be on the lookout for such symptoms in your body.
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How Long Does It Take to Get Sick from Mold Exposure
Allergies are some of the most common health issues that occur during mold exposure. If you’re allergic to pollen or dander, these allergies will definitely occur. You might experience typical symptoms like sneezing, mouth, nose, or throat irritation, runny nose, stuffed nasal airways, etc. If you touch or are too much in the vicinity of mold and mold spores, you’ll definitely get allergic to it. It can even cause you asthma problems with symptoms like shortness of breath, wheezing, or coughing. Therefore it’s important to essentially take care of those mold spores present all over the walls of your home. It is also possible for people with asthma and allergies to be triggered more, worsening their condition. Many researchers have seen an increase in asthma problems and the development of asthma in people who work in damp buildings.
Hypersensitivity Pneumonia (HP):
HP is basically a lung inflammation where you have a pretty sensitive immune system when you inhale organic dust. It is often mistaken for pneumonia but is actually more similar to an allergy. It doesn’t get better with antibiotics so you can’t take that when you have it. Symptoms that you might be engaged in include shortness of breath, muscle aches, cough, chills, fever, etc. These effects usually start two to nine hours after exposure and continue for a few days. Other people who are impacted experience gradual shortness of breath, cough, and weight loss.
If symptoms resolve and then resurface after returning to work, it’s possible that they’re work-related. The prolonged lung inflammation of both types of symptoms can result in scarring and permanent damage with continued exposure. Workers and physicians may fail to recognize work-related lung disease if symptoms continue to develop outside of work. This health issue can also occur in buildings that have plumbing and roof leaks along with having a high-level indoor humidity.
This is quite a common health issue that occurs in people who get sensitized and irritating exposure for yourself. These things happen all the time as well. It happens when your airways get inflammation and become constricted when you breathe. It can produce symptoms like shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness and wheezing, etc.
It’s critical for people with asthma to follow a comprehensive treatment plan and see their doctor on a regular basis.
Asthma induced by job exposures can be cured with early identification and relocation from the damp office environment. Some workplace exposures have been linked to the development of asthma (e.g., western red cedar; isocyanates). There is evidence of a link between moist houses and asthma symptoms in people who already have asthma, according to research. There’s additional evidence that damp buildings are linked to new-onset asthma.
How much time does it take to get sick from mold?
Each and every person has a different immune system and mechanism. It’s important to note that not everyone would react to the exposure the same way and it also depends on a number of factors. Some people touch it one time and become sick while others don’t develop any symptoms at all. Some of the factors are present below:
- Sensitivity to allergies:
Mold affects people in different ways. How quickly you acquire symptoms is influenced by your personal susceptibility to mold. If you have a mold allergy, your immune system happens to believe that specific mold spores are invaders or allergens. As a result, inhaling spores causes sneezing or nasal congestion in your body. Depending on your physique, this can happen right away or after exposure.
A one-time exposure to mold may not create any symptoms if you don’t have a mold allergy. However, even if you aren’t allergic, it can induce symptoms. Each person’s situation is unique.
- Amount:
It’s not just the mold that matters; it’s the amount as well. How much mold actually exists in your home? Therefore, it’s pretty obvious that a large amount of mold in your home can be detrimental to your health as compared to small doses of it. However as we’ve already mentioned, it also depends upon your body mechanism. If you’re allergic to molds and are highly sensitive to them, it doesn’t matter how much gets exposed. Even a small amount can produce intensely negative symptoms.
- Duration:
Similarly, the length of the one-time mold exposure is significant. After all, the more time you spend inhaling mold spores, the more spores you will inhale. Your overall exposure will rise as a result of this.
If you are only exposed for a few seconds or minutes, you may not experience any symptoms. However, if you’ve been exposed to mold for a long time, your symptoms may appear quickly. It ultimately boils down to your level of sensitivity once more.
So how long does it take to get sick from mold exposure? The time it takes for mold to start causing symptoms varies a lot. Side effects can be immediate, delayed, or completely absent. It all relies on your personal circumstances and mold sensitivity. The length of exposure and the amount of mold are also aspects to consider. Mold exposure can potentially result in more severe symptoms. The best method to keep mold symptoms at bay is to limit your exposure. Consult a doctor if your symptoms continue.

Danny is a passionate writer who loves to share his knowledge about air purifiers. He’s been writing for 10 years, and he’ll share all that experience with Very Well Home viewers to help you make the best decision when it’s time to buy an appliance!