If you’re like most people, you probably think of humidifiers as devices that are only used during the wintertime, when the air is dry and cold. But did you know that humidifiers can also be beneficial during the summer months? In this blog post, we’re going to take a look at when to use a humidifier and some of the benefits that come with using one. So if you’re curious about whether or not a humidifier would be a good addition to your home, keep reading!
Have you been waking up with a dry throat lately? And started coughing for no apparent reason? It might seem like you need a humidifier. A humidifier is a device that releases moisture into the air, leaving behind humid air to breathe in. However, it’s a little trickier than that. Too much moisture in the air can create even more lung problems than before. Therefore it’s important to check up on the humidity levels every few days to ensure and control the humidity levels of the area. The symptoms that come with dry rancid air, are the ultimate sign of using a humidifier. That is the best way to know whether you need a humidifier or not. They come in many forms and shapes but the only thing important is to have in that works amazingly without leading to further harm. That’s the only thing you should focus on while you’re shopping for one.
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When to Use a Humidifier – Detail Explanation
If we keep close attention to our surroundings, we’d find multiple reasons to use the help of a humidifier to soothe the air. Sometimes we’re so in-tune with our surroundings that we realize that in an instant. Dry air can create many problems for your body. You wake up with a dry throat and mouth and start coughing, your nasal area becomes completely dry and leads to more lung problems. Since humidity is quite less during winter, where you experience more static when touching something, that’s when you know you need a humidifier. It’s the only thing that can add moisture to the air, damping it relieving it off any static and dryness. During winters, if you have a runny nose or mucus infection, a humidifier is the best way to go for it. It can do a lot more than this:
- Fever symptoms
- Runny nose
- Mucus infection
- Dry throat
- Sinus congestion
- Nose bleeds
All of these signs are a wake-up call that you need a humidifier for such dry air. However, you need to make sure that it is not in excess. Meaning, the humidifier runs at an optimal level because if it runs at a higher level than that then it would be dangerous to the environment.
Types of Humidifier
It doesn’t matter what kind of humidifier you choose to purchase as long as it does its job of providing your house with moisture within the air of your house. You’ll find many humidifiers of different types, ready to solidify their place in your house so don’t get confused by the number of options.
- A central humidifier: A central humidifier would be built right into the central air conditioning system, to increase the humidity level of your entire house. The place would be the center for providing air with moisture within your house. It’s highly expensive as well.
- Evaporators: The humidity is increased by pushing moisture out through a moist filter. The humidity levels will become higher with this.
- Impeller humidifier: This type of humidifier releases cool mist right out into the open air with the help of disks that rotate at high speed.
- Steam vaporizers: This type works with electricity and heats up water only to cool it down and release vapors into the air. These vapors can be moved from one room to another.
Getting the Most Out of It:
Every technical purchase needs care and attention to last a long time. If there’s no love for the machine then it certainly won’t last that long. Checking up is also important, keep checking up on the machine to see whether it is working in full order or not. There are several ways to ensure its usability, which can be done by:
Refill Water:
The one thing that a humidifier requires is the constant availability of water. It uses gallons of it in a day and needs to be refilled whenever needed. The standing water has a higher chance of having bacteria and molds the longer it stays there. Any buckets or filters used in the process should be washed thoroughly with utmost care. So it has a greater life.
Filter Change:
Now, this is something that is usually mentioned in the manual. Follow the rule of changing the filter at least once a month as the quality of the humidifier depends on it. Any gunk or dust might accumulate over the filter due to which it might not work up to mark.
Humidity Level:
The most crucial part about using a humidifier is to check up on the humidity level of our house. Keep check of it every few days to see if it’s at safer levels or not. Too much humidity in the air can also be dangerous for your health. It can trigger allergies and asthma attacks. Therefore, make sure to always let your house be at optimal levels with humidity or you’ll develop lung problems with moisture as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
When not to use a humidifier?
You shouldn’t use a humidifier when the humidity level of the room is at more than 50 percent. Especially when you have dry skin/ inflammation, headache, red eyes, itchy throat, and nose bleed. These can be extremely harmful to your health.
Is it good to sleep with a humidifier?
There are many advantages to using a humidifier during sleep. It improves the benefits that come with sleep for your body. The repair and maintenance of your immune system done during sleep become more effective.
At what temperature do you need a humidifier?
Condensation will form on your home’s window sills and walls if the humidity level is about 50%. When the temperature is somewhere between 0 and 10 degrees, a humidity level of 20% will be more beneficial. Change the setting to 25% when the outside temperature is between 10 and 20 degrees.
Is a humidifier good for the lungs?
Putting up a humidifier in your room can improve your breathing and lung problems.
Where should a humidifier be placed in a room?
Place your humidifier close to where the people are, but not too close that it gets in the way. Placing the humidifier on a shelf or table works well for this reason. Just make sure the humidifier won’t damage anything if it leaks, and that it has a tray underneath it to catch the water if it does.
The best way to have a healthy lifestyle in winters is by storing a humidifier at your place. The dry environment can be very irritating and harmful to your health. A humidifier will be a breath of fresh air in this tough atmosphere. Hopefully, this article will give immense knowledge about when to use it so you can have a healthy and happy winter season!
Danny is a passionate writer who loves to share his knowledge about air purifiers. He’s been writing for 10 years, and he’ll share all that experience with Very Well Home viewers to help you make the best decision when it’s time to buy an appliance!